Dear friends from around the world,

I would like to share with you my story of strength and resilience. Before my stroke, I was a high school teacher at Light Academy, a well-known school in Kenya. However, on June 9th, 2012, my life changed forever. After attending a church service, I collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. The doctors and nurses were unsure of what was happening, and I was put in a ward for observation.

That night, I experienced the scariest moment of my life. I could not speak, move my limbs, or control my bodily functions. My mind was impaired, and I felt helpless. When my wife visited me the next morning, she realized the severity of my situation, and I was diagnosed with a stroke.

My treatment began with medication, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, which were all expensive. As an insured patient, I was lucky to be able to receive the necessary treatment. However, many others in Kenya are not as fortunate, and the cost of treatment can be a financial burden that affects their employment.

After a year of struggling with the disease, I was let go from my teaching job, and I felt the weight of the financial burden even more. But with the help of my friends and well-wishers, I was able to continue my treatment and make progress. Today, I am able to perform 90% of all basic functions four years after my stroke.

I advise those facing a similar situation to accept themselves and start treatment immediately. Do not let fear or superstition hold you back. Thinking of witchcraft or other superstitions has taken our country backward. Let us all work together to create a society where stroke survivors can receive the necessary treatment and continue contributing to their communities.

Edward Konzolo

Thank you for listening to my story, and I hope it inspires others to never give up on themselves.

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